Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Bark of the Meth Cook

The central thesis of my controversial book, PALIN COMPARISON (Horsewhipp-Buggyjump-Sonavovich, hardcover, $29.95), is that though Sarah Palin was reputedly born in Sandpoint, Idaho, and brought to Alaska as an infant, she is actually the offspring of northern fur seals, making her ineligible as a potential presidential candidate. I’ve included in this volume many convincing photographs, including copulating seals and the infamous “whisker photo,” along with numerous examples of nose wiggling, hand clapping, and ball balancing. Recall the time she was speaking at the Chicago Zoo and fell snapping and burping to her knees at the podium when a nearby trainer inadvertently spilled a bucket of raw mackerel. Consider if you will the footage of mating fur seals the year that Sarah Palin was born and that small dark-haired child frolicking with them through the ice floes. Note how in the second half of the ten minutes it usually takes her to answer a question the rhythm of her largely insensible speech becomes more like barking. Many women later in life begin to develop a mustache, but look more closely (critics respond that this is fishing line left over from a Halloween cat costume), but only the offspring of fur seals running for high political office would not know that Africa was a continent. Again, observe closely how when pleased (when for example she has understood a joke) she slaps her palms together and purses her lips, throat quivering in an attempt to suppress a volley of raucous grunts. At the bottom of her birth certificate there is a SEAL. She’s pretty cute, too, you’ll agree, or at least cuter than that guy from Hawaii. OAR! OAR! OAR!

Poe Ballantine

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